Even though it's well past January 1st and most everyone has already set their goals for 2019 I've slowly been working on it all month long. I've been doing a lot of reflecting and went back and forth on writing this post but thought I should just get all my goals down on paper.
For 2018 I set a lot of goals for myself as far as growing my little blog and really turning it into a business. I'm completely blown away with how far things have come and am truly grateful for each and every one of you. I originally started my Instagram account to sell my Stella & Dot jewelry and couldn't image it could turn in to all of this.
I was able to accomplish my lifelong dream of attending fashion week and got to meet tons of other blogger babes that I can now call friends. I want to continue to grow my blog but thought it was a good time to step back and make some goals for life in general. So here you have it- My 5 goals for 2019.

I have to say this sounds a lot easier than it is. I'm definitely a dreamer by nature and am always thinking about the next big thing rather than really soaking up each and every moment no matter how small and mundane in might be. At the end of December I watched one of my favorite movies "About Time" with Rachel McAdams and it really resonated with me. If you haven't seen it yet then you NEED to! It talks about living every moment to the fullest and truly enjoying the good and the bad.
Each and every day no matter what I'm doing I just want to be as present and in the moment as possible. And that might mean putting down my phone and just experiencing the moment!
We bought a new home and moved to Temecula 3 years ago. When we initially moved in we worked a ton on the house by putting in a back yard, getting new furniture for the family room an adding tile backsplash in the kitchen. After all the initial updating we just got comfortable and focused on other things. As my blog grew my bedroom turned into a place to stash all my clothes and stuff and started looking less like a bedroom. I basically took over our master bedroom and felt like Rod didn't his own space in our room.
As I thought about what space in the house we rarely use and while I was out browsing World Market for home inspiration it hit me. I wanted to change our loft space upstairs- it basically had an old couch and tv for the kids and turn it into my closet/office. Then our guest bedroom downstairs- that only gets used a few times a year when Rod's family comes to visit- can become a tv game room & guest room combined. That way we could have our Master Bedroom back, I can get my own office/closet space, and the kids can utilize the tv-game room to its full potential. The guest room is down stairs right next to the play room so it's a perfect way to extend their play space. Stayed tuned for more as I will definitely share my progress on here.
Being a stay at home working mom this is one thing I need to get a hold on. Getting my own office/work space will definitely help but I also need to make sure I'm organized with my time. To start off I got a new Erin Condren planner- I'll let you know if it's worth all the hype- and want to start planning out my days better. I plan on designating specific time to follow up on emails and complete blog posts rather than just doing it on the fly. And don't get my started on how disorganized I am at managing my business- Quick books is calling my name!
I'm not going to go into crazy detail here because lets be honest you would be bored with it -but lets just say organization is a must!
I'm not one to get caught up in astrological signs and stuff but I am a true Gemini through and through. I love being social and hanging out with friends and family but I also need quite time to myself. Over the past few years I've kind of just told myself that my work was my me time. And although I'm extremely passionate about what I do and I love spending all my time doing it I need to step back every so often. This month I started by taking a bath every so often and just relaxing with my thoughts and music- no phone. Even though it's something small it's been a great stress reliever and something I need to continue. Next up I think will be a bi weekly yoga class.
If there is one thing I live for it is Travel! I love taking trips with the family even if its just a small weekend getaway. The one thing I remember most about growing up is all the amazing family vacations we took and I want to provide my kids with the same experiences.
Although I made it to New York twice last year there's so much more I want to do with the family. Next weekend we are heading to the snow and then we're off to Hawaii in February. With the kids getting older its even easier to travel and there's so many places I want to take them. One big bucket list trip is a Disney cruise! I think it sounds so fun and my kids are at the perfect age. Not sure what else we have planned yet but I know it will be somewhere fun.

Well that's it! My goals for 2019! Nothing too crazy but the more I write it down, think about it and focus on it the more I can make it happen.
Can't wait to see what's in store for 2019!
Below are the details of this look. My fun graphic tee is now on major sale for only $7 but I would recommend sizing up at least 1 if not 2 sizes. Yes it runs that small!
Thanks for stopping by!!