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PANTRY ORGANIZATION WITH AMAZON-Jaclyn De Leon style. Follow along while I totally revamp my pantry. Amazon has great organizing bins and baskets to help your pantry stay organize and functional.

If you've let your pantry get out of control like I have, then you'll want to continue reading as I share how I cleaned and organized my pantry using all Amazon products. My goal was to make this space clutter free and functional plus easy to keep up. I am really happy with the results! If you are ready to revamp your pantry, I have linked all the products and don't forget to check out my Amazon storefront linked here for more options.

PANTRY ORGANIZATION WITH AMAZON-Jaclyn De Leon style. Follow along while I totally revamp my pantry. Amazon has great organizing bins and baskets to help your pantry stay organize and functional.

To get started you want to clear out your pantry.  Throw away anything that is expired or not needed and deep clean all your shelves.  I then measured my space in order to put down a layer of shelf liners.  Shelf liners are a must since they protect your shelves and make for easy clean up.  If you have cabinets that are scratched or stained, shelf liners gives you a clean new surface to start organizing on as well.

For food storage, I am super pleased with the OXO grip containers for things like cereal and baked goods.  Instead of having a bunch of busy plastic bags, I poured all my cereal and snacks into these containers to get rid of the clutter. I love that they come in a ton of different sizes depending on whatever works for your space.

The open plastic containers and baskets are great for kid snacks for easy access.  I like to organize my shelves by categories, like pasta and pasta sauces would all be placed in one zone in the pantry. Placing open plastic containers and baskets on lower shelves is great for kid snacks for easy access. Don't forget about lazy susans to ultilize any corner space in your pantry as well. My favorite containers has to be the stackable shelves for wine or large water bottles.  These stackable shelves are awesome since it uses up more verticle space if you have a small pantry.

Last I got a set of clear labels from Amazon to label all my containers and give my pantry a pretty finish. I love the way it all turned out! Click on the video below to watch how it all came together.

PANTRY ORGANIZATION WITH AMAZON-Jaclyn De Leon style. Follow along while I totally revamp my pantry. Amazon has great organizing bins and baskets to help your pantry stay organize and functional.

Okay so what do you think?  I'm so happy with the results but now I need to focus on maintaining it.

Click on the video below if you want to watch a full tutorial.

PANTRY ORGANIZATION WITH AMAZON-Jaclyn De Leon style. Follow along while I totally revamp my pantry. Amazon has great organizing bins and baskets to help your pantry stay organize and functional.

I hope you are inspired to revamp your pantry and get more organized this year. All my favorite organizational products are available at my Amazon shop to get you started. If you have any questions, just let me know! Thanks for being here. XO

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